Symptoms That Can Be Treated Using Hypnotherapy
Your mind controls your attitude and every part of your body. Hypnotherapy can successfully treat disorders and problems of a psychological nature but also the very many physical and emotional problems.
Indicated below are only a few of the problems that can be successfully treated by hypnotherapy. If you do not see the area that is relevant to you listed simply contact the me and I will either confirm that I do treat your condition or if not I will refer you on to another professional.
"If we all knew what we were capable of we would astound ourselves"
Smoking Cessation
Sexual Problems Interview Nerves Depression Anxiety Social Anxiety Lack of Motivation Blushing Alcohol IBS Confidence Self-Harm Pain Management Emetophobia Skin Disorders Addictions Vaginisimus Grief Thumb Sucking Asthma |
Weight Management
Panic Attacks Driving Test Fears Stress Management Sexual Abuse Bruxisim Fetishes Anorexia OCD Stuttering/Stammering Migraines Obsessions Fear of Intimacy Nightmares Premature Ejaculation Nail-biting Guilt Shy Bladder Pornography |
Low Self-Esteem
Public Speaking Exam Nerves Phobias Childhood Trauma Bed Wetting Anger PTSD Bulimia ME Chronic Fatigue Self-Hatred Compulsions Paranoia Shyness Amnesia Insomnia Shame Frigidity Inhibitions |