Welcome to Free Your Mind Hypnotherapy

“The only barrier that prevents you achieving your goals is your current thinking”
Congratulations! for taking the first step that will enable you to take control and change your life for the better! If you are reading this there is obviously something you would like to change for the better in your life and most likely you have lived with your problem for some time. Seeking help is your first step to bringing back full balance and health into your life for good. Well done!
Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy can help with many problems both physical and emotional from physical pain relief, addiction, confidence, motivation, trauma or abuse issues to smoking, weight loss, sport achievement, business development and much more. Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy works with the power of the mind both conscious and subconscious and also the power of positive emotion and motivation for change.
Hypnotherapy - 92% recovery rate > Source American Health Magazine.
Free Your Mind Hypnotherapy can enable you to –
- Unlock the door to deeper understanding and self awareness
- Regain control and confidence in your life
- Illuminate and set free bottled up emotions and old patterns of behaviour
- Overcome and manage many anxieties, fears or phobias you might have
- Quit smoking, weight management, public speaking, flying, interviews, driving test & more.
Hypnosis is the fastest, easiest and most natural way for achieving the change you want. This is achieved by using the latest techniques to show you how to identify, understand and change your negative behaviour patterns. Why not take the opportunity to contact us for a FREE Initial No Obligation Consultation on (086) 4527737 or send an email to [email protected]
Please see below a list of symptoms Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis can help you with
Smoking Cessation
Sexual Problems Interview Nerves Depression Anxiety Social Anxiety / Social Phobia Lack of Motivation Blushing Alcohol IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Confidence Self-Harm Pain Management Emetophobia (Fear of being sick) Skin Disorders Addictions Vaginisimus Grief (Bereavement) Thumb Sucking Asthma Hypno - Birthing |
Weight Management
Panic Attacks Driving Test Fears Stress Management Sexual Abuse Bruxisim (Teeth grinding) Fetishes Anorexia OCD (Obsessive Compulsive disorder) Stuttering/Stammering Migraines Obsessions Fear of Intimacy Nightmares Premature Ejaculation Nail-biting Guilt Shy Bladder Pornography |
Low Self-Esteem
Public Speaking Exam Nerves Phobias Childhood Trauma Bed Wetting Anger PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) Bulimia ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) Post Viral Fatigue Self-Hatred Compulsions Paranoia Shyness Amnesia Insomnia Shame Frigidity Inhibitions |